April is the Oral Cancer Awareness month and Madison Dental Health Partners would like to invite you to join us in our national screening campaign to stop oral cancer. Awareness about US oral cancer is low. About 49,750 people in the United States this year will be diagnosed with oral cancer. 132 new people in the US will daily be diagnosed with oral cancer, and that one person every hour of the day will lose their lives because of oral cancer.
Although smoking and tobacco remain important risk factors, the segment of the fastest growing oral cancer patients is a healthy, non-smoking young person due to a connection with the HPV virus. We cannot prevent the spread of this virus; our only hope of saving a life is professional participation and public awareness. This is an opportunity to get involved in raising awareness of oral cancer and the need for early detection to save lives. Together we have the opportunity to make a difference in the world of oral cancer.
The disease has increased by one third during the last decade and remains one of the few cancers that are expected to continue to increase in the coming years. That is why the Oral Cancer Awareness Month is so important.
Although there are many risk factors strongly associated with this disease, oral cancer can affect anyone – that is why it is so important for everyone to know what signs look for. Awareness is about taking action.
Do not ignore unusual lumps or swellings or red and white spots in your mouth. Early detection could save your life. If you notice changes in your mouth, contact your dentist or doctor immediately.
By gaining knowledge of risk factors, adopting healthier lifestyles, and discovering what to look for, we can reduce the risks and reduce the number of deaths from oral cancer.
This year, we want everyone to help us by participating in the Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Whether you are alone or in a team, we have many ways you can be part of the awareness and really make a big difference. To learn more about screenings and early detection of oral cancer, contact Madison Dental Health Partners in Madison today.
US Oral Cancer Facts At-A-Glance:
- The high mortality rate associated with oral cancer is due to late stage diagnosis.
- Over 40% of those diagnosed will die within five years – National Cancer Institute.
- This is the third year in a row in which there has been an increase in the rate of occurrence — in 2007 there was a major jump of over 11% in that single year.
- The death rate in the United States is higher than that of cancers which we hear about routinely such as breast, cervical, Hodgkin’s, prostate, liver, testes, kidney, thyroid and colon.
- The incidence rate for oral cancer is 3 TIMES GREATER than cervical cancer in the US.
- Exposure to the HPV-16 virus (human papilloma virus) is the fastest growing risk factor for oral cancer.
- The mortality rate associated with oral cancer has not improved significantly in the last 40 years.
- 90% of oral cancer occurs in patients 45 years or older, which encompasses “all” 84M Baby Boomers.
- An estimated 7,550 oral cancer patients died in 2007 (5180 men 2370 women).
- Rates of oral and oropharyngeal cancer are more than twice as high in men then women. Cancer of the oral cavity ranks as the ninth most common cancer among men.
- Women in their 40’s now make up the fastest growing segment of the US population to be diagnosed.
- Men of African ancestry have an especially high risk in every age group.
- 90% of oral cancers are “Squamous Cell Carcinomas”.
- One person dies from oral cancer every hour.